Conquering Lace
"I wasn’t sure what to expect but knew whatever I received would be beautiful and sure enough, it was perfect! It was the perfect last minute “treat myself” gift."
- Kathryn Lenardon
A complete master class that will walk you through, step by step, everything you need to know to knit any lace pattern that designers can throw at you.
What you'll get:
*7 in depth video modules
*7 professionally designed module workbooks with cheat sheets, reference charts, photo walk throughs, and beautiful patterns
*The EXCLUSIVE Dew Drop shawl pattern (just for Conquering Lace students)
*Dawn's personal help all along the way.
*BONUS! Complete stitch library with all the stitches you need to know
*BONUS! 50 scarves of lace Ebook - so you can become your own lace designer ($29 value)
*BONUS! Dawn's Favorite things Ebook - with over 150 of Dawn's favorite free lace patterns to knit
Instructions are given in written, photo walk through, and video formats.
Skill Level: Advanced beginner.
Knitters should be able to cast on, bind off, knit, purl, and follow a basic pattern.
Not eligable for Wholesale Discounts

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What you'll learn:
Module 1
Getting Started
It's a tasty overview of lace knitting as a whole. We’ll dispel some knitting myths, learn how lace fabric is formed, get all of our tips to choosing the best yarns and tools for the job, and gather all of our supplies for our adventure.
Module 2
Mastering the Stitches
It's all about the stitches! Learn the 5 stitch types used in lace knitting, how to combine them together to form amazing lace, and how to make substitutions to fit your own personal knitting style.
Module 3
Learning the Language
Learn the “Secret Code” language of knitters all over the world – CHARTS! In this module we dive so much deeper than any blog post you’ve ever read on charts. We talk about how charts relate to your knitting, why designers use them, how to decipher the symbols (even without a key), and even introduce you to the BRAND new form of chart design that is taking the internet by storm.
Module 4
Be Prepared
Learn how the best knitters prevent mistakes before they even happen. The best offense is a good defense after all. Learn all of our secret tips and tricks to prevent 90% of mistakes from ever happening, including the absolutely ESSENTIAL tools every lace knitter needs in their knitting bag.
Module 5
First Aid
This is the one module that knitters tell us absolutely BLOWS their mind.
Mistakes happen to everyone. What separates the truly amazing knitters from the crowd is their ability to fix them.
Learn our secret sauce technique to fix ANY knitting mistake without memorizing a dozen techniques or having a masters degree in knitting.
Module 6
Show Me The Magic
Learn the secret that will take your finished lace from so-so to stunning in the blink of an eye - Blocking!
Module 7
Final Project
You’ve learned the theory, now it’s time to put it into action! Knit yourself a stunning Dew Drop shawl designed EXCLUSIVELY for the Conquering Lace course and available only to CL students.